" Para Todo Mal, Mezcal y Para Todo Bien Tambien "

Posts tagged “Akvavit

A Tequila Christmas #1 Agave Snaps

With christmas just around the corner I made it my mission to introduce agave in as many ways possible to the christmas table, and first out is of course the Agave Snaps. It is very traditional to drink ice-cold Akvavit while enjoying a long christmas dinner with friends and family. One of the many reasons is because the food tend to be full of wonderful grease and this is an easy way to help the body dealing with it. Wether that is accurate or not doesn’t really matter, it is a reasonable excuse to drink.  I made a somewhat traditional snaps that goes well with the food on the christmas table, but that of course, still has booth feet in Mexico. The result is kind of a Mexican twist on a Danish snaps called “Honning Syp” which is a lot of honey and a lot of Akvavit set to infuse for a few days. So it was very natural to make my base out of blanco Tequila and agave sirup. To inhence the flavour of the agave I added black pepper corns along with star anise and cloves for a more classic feel. I added lemon zest and coriander for a fresh mouth feel and a more Mexican touch and let it infuse until I find it satisfying enough. I am aiming for about 2 weeks which I think is fairly quick for a snaps, but I don’t want to bring out to many bitter flavours of the fresh herbs and citrus. I will let you know how it went after the christmas dinner on saturday. Until then, Salud!

Agave Snaps

2 Bottles of Viva Mexico Blanco

Zest of 4 lemons

A small hand full of black pepper corns

5-6 Cloves

2 Star Anise

2 Bunches of fresh coriander

75ml Agave Sirup